Varenr. 9781589782488
Cryptid Hunt
A Mystery Puzzle Gamebook
A mysterious journal falls into your hands…
Its worn pages chronicle a cross-country search for elusive cryptid monsters. Solve the puzzles hidden in the journal’s passages to discover which one of the creatures is real, and the fate of the disappeared cryptid hunter!
Have you ever seen a blurry bigfoot photo? Come across a stuffed jackalope at a roadside dive? Heard a werewolf story that chilled your soul? If you have, you already know what Crytpids are. And if you feel a strange curiosity bubbling up at the thought of these unearthly monsters, then you'll love Cryptid Hunt.
Cryptid Hunt - A Mystery Puzzle Gamebook is a sepia-toned 64-page softcover journal. Each section describes one of thirteen cryptids, with clues hidden in every entry. Compile the evidence to unravel the riddles, then use your answers to solve the enigma of the cryptid hunter’s mysterious end!
Having trouble? A special website provides hints and extra material.
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Om Produktet
A mysterious journal falls into your hands…
Its worn pages chronicle a cross-country search for elusive cryptid monsters. Solve the puzzles hidden in the journal’s passages to discover which one of the creatures is real, and the fate of the disappeared cryptid hunter!
Have you ever seen a blurry bigfoot photo? Come across a stuffed jackalope at a roadside dive? Heard a werewolf story that chilled your soul? If you have, you already know what Crytpids are. And if you feel a strange curiosity bubbling up at the thought of these unearthly monsters, then you'll love Cryptid Hunt.
Cryptid Hunt - A Mystery Puzzle Gamebook is a sepia-toned 64-page softcover journal. Each section describes one of thirteen cryptids, with clues hidden in every entry. Compile the evidence to unravel the riddles, then use your answers to solve the enigma of the cryptid hunter’s mysterious end!
Having trouble? A special website provides hints and extra material.
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