Varenr. 9781989695264
Folstavia The Infinite Crossroads
D&D 5th - Anime 5E
Welcome to the official world setting for the Anime 5E fantasy role-playing game. Inside this 272-page, full-colour tome you’ll find details about the history, culture, factions, folk, magic, and creatures of Folstavia’s eight continents and wondrous extraplanar regions.
In addition to its rich lore and setting details, the Folstavia: The Infinite Crossroads contains a wealth of Anime 5E game material:
- 4 additional Attributes
- 14 new player character Species
- Reimagined alternate versions of traditional Fifth Edition Species
- 7 new character Classes
- Dozens of magical objects and vehicles
- 18 original monsters
- 9 neomorphs
- And much more
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Om Produktet
Welcome to the official world setting for the Anime 5E fantasy role-playing game. Inside this 272-page, full-colour tome you’ll find details about the history, culture, factions, folk, magic, and creatures of Folstavia’s eight continents and wondrous extraplanar regions.
In addition to its rich lore and setting details, the Folstavia: The Infinite Crossroads contains a wealth of Anime 5E game material:
- 4 additional Attributes
- 14 new player character Species
- Reimagined alternate versions of traditional Fifth Edition Species
- 7 new character Classes
- Dozens of magical objects and vehicles
- 18 original monsters
- 9 neomorphs
- And much more
Om Dungeons & Dragons
Velkommen til Faraos Cigarers afdeling for det klassiske rollespil Dungeons & Dragons

Rollespillet Dungeons & Dragons satte det hele i gang for mere end 40 år siden. I rollerne som krigere og troldmænd, elvere og tyve går man på eventyr.
I vores afdeling med Dungeons & Dragons finder du regelbøger, eventyr, terninger og mere til. Vi har de nyeste bøger fra Dungeons & Dragons 4th og 5th Edition, og i vores afdeling for brugte bøger, kan man finde de ældre versioner, hvis du er mere til D&D 3rd edition, 3.5 eller Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.
Er du en ny spiller har vi Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set, som er et godt sted at begynde, og derudover de tre kerneregelbøger: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide og Monster Manual - som sætter spillet i sving. Til at spille skal du også bruge et sæt rollespilsterninger.
For fans af Dungeons & Dragons har vi også bøger fra andre forlag, som er beregnet til D&D fra forlag som Kobold Press samt varianter af D&D som f.eks. Castles & Crusades.