Varenr. 9781950911271

Cyberpunk RED: Tales of the RED: Street Stories
Cyberpunk RED: Tales of the RED: Street Stories

Cyberpunk RED: Tales of the RED: Street Stories

9 Missions full of Action and Intrique for Cyberpunk

Night City is a big place, full of wild parties, dead bodies, and neon lights. Beneath the thin layer of advertising and grime, it’s got some tales to tell. Stories of vicious gangs, hellbent artificial intelligence, and love. You’ll get to meet suave mercenaries and movie stars, and even take a ride in a submarine. You’ll fight cyberpsychos, dirty reporters, rival Edgerunners, and a high-flying assault team.

The city is voracious. It needs more bodies to chew on, and you’ll supply them —one way or another. Within the pages of this book, seemingly simple jobs spiral wildly out of control, and herculean tasks can be solved with a single bullet. It’s your city. It hates you. It loves you. And you can’t help but feel the same. There’s adventure to be had here, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ve gotta experience it, choomba.

Tales of the RED: Street Stories is a Mission book for Cyberpunk RED, the latest edition of the classic tabletop roleplaying game of the Dark Future. It’s a collection of nine never-before-seen full-length missions, ready to play with your Crew.

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Pris  39900DKK

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Om Produktet

Night City is a big place, full of wild parties, dead bodies, and neon lights. Beneath the thin layer of advertising and grime, it’s got some tales to tell. Stories of vicious gangs, hellbent artificial intelligence, and love. You’ll get to meet suave mercenaries and movie stars, and even take a ride in a submarine. You’ll fight cyberpsychos, dirty reporters, rival Edgerunners, and a high-flying assault team.

The city is voracious. It needs more bodies to chew on, and you’ll supply them —one way or another. Within the pages of this book, seemingly simple jobs spiral wildly out of control, and herculean tasks can be solved with a single bullet. It’s your city. It hates you. It loves you. And you can’t help but feel the same. There’s adventure to be had here, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ve gotta experience it, choomba.

Tales of the RED: Street Stories is a Mission book for Cyberpunk RED, the latest edition of the classic tabletop roleplaying game of the Dark Future. It’s a collection of nine never-before-seen full-length missions, ready to play with your Crew.


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