Varenr. 18152
Curtain of Light
Saviors Of Kamigawa
Kort Tekst : Cast Curtain of Light only during combat after blockers are declared.
Target unblocked attacking creature becomes blocked. (This spell works on creatures that can't be blocked.)
Draw a card.
Flavor Tekst : "Paint gold upon the wind,
Shape the wind into a shield,
And vanish behind the brightness."
-Snow-Fur, kitsune poet
Kort Navn : Curtain of Light
Kort Type : Instant
Cost : [1][W]
Farve : White
Sjældenhed : Common
Kort Nummer : 6/165
Udvidelse : Saviors of Kamigawa
Tegner : Chippy
Om Produktet
Target unblocked attacking creature becomes blocked. (This spell works on creatures that can't be blocked.)
Draw a card.
Flavor Tekst : "Paint gold upon the wind,
Shape the wind into a shield,
And vanish behind the brightness."
-Snow-Fur, kitsune poet
Kort Navn : Curtain of Light
Kort Type : Instant
Cost : [1][W]
Farve : White
Sjældenhed : Common
Kort Nummer : 6/165
Udvidelse : Saviors of Kamigawa
Tegner : Chippy
Varen er brugt
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