Varenr. 9988760479902
Lankhmar - Wonders of Lankhmar
AD&D 2nd Edition
Wonders of Lankhmar is the latest entry in the AD&D game setting of Lankhmar, the city of Nehwom ,made famous as the haunt of Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser in the tales woven by Fritz Lieber. Within these pages are dozens of short adventures perfect for an afternoon's or evening's enjoyment. Your characters may be hired to protect the Overlord from assassination. They may choose to take positions as caravan guards on a dangerous passage through a crocodile-infested swamp. Or, perhaps they'd prefer a quiet night on the town. (They might well prefer it; the question is, can they find it?)
The City of Thieves is filled with possibilities: adventure, treachery, deciet, death. Are your characters up to the challenge? Are they prepared for the wonders of Lankhmar?
Stande og priser
Priser / Stande
0.5 | Poor | 6000 DKK | |
2.0 | Good | 9000 DKK | |
4.0 | Very Good | 10800 DKK | |
6.0 | Fine | 13200 DKK | |
8.0 | Very Fine | 15600 DKK | |
9.4 | Near Mint | 18000 DKK |
Serie: | AD&D 2nd. Edition |
Forfatter: | Dale "Slade" Henson |
Cover: | Softcover |
Udgivelses År: | 1990 |
Udgave: | 1 |
Oplag: | 1 |
Antal Sider: | 96 |
Forlag: | TSR, Inc. |
Sprog: | Engelsk |
Titel: | Lankhmar - Wonders of Lankhmar |
Om Produktet
Wonders of Lankhmar is the latest entry in the AD&D game setting of Lankhmar, the city of Nehwom ,made famous as the haunt of Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser in the tales woven by Fritz Lieber. Within these pages are dozens of short adventures perfect for an afternoon's or evening's enjoyment. Your characters may be hired to protect the Overlord from assassination. They may choose to take positions as caravan guards on a dangerous passage through a crocodile-infested swamp. Or, perhaps they'd prefer a quiet night on the town. (They might well prefer it; the question is, can they find it?)
The City of Thieves is filled with possibilities: adventure, treachery, deciet, death. Are your characters up to the challenge? Are they prepared for the wonders of Lankhmar?
Antal Sider: | 96 |
Titel: | Lankhmar - Wonders of Lankhmar |
Serie: | AD&D 2nd. Edition |
Forfatter: | Dale "Slade" Henson |
Cover: | Softcover |
Udgivelses År: | 1990 |
Udgave: | 1 |
Oplag: | 1 |
Forlag: | TSR, Inc. |
Sprog: | Engelsk |
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