Varenr. 9988760450000
Lankhmar - Nehwon
AD&D 2nd Edition
It is the year of the Zodac-no-Kara, the year of the wizards' champions. Once every 140 years, the search for grand and glorious magical items is called, and adventures from far and wide convene to participate in the hunt. This year, though... this year is even more exciting than the last.
Nehwon's already-sparse magic is being leached from the land itself. Powerful magical items are being misused, and Aarth has called for the bravest and most daring adventurers to collect these items and return them to him for safe-keeping. Those who accept this quest will travel from one end of Nehwon to the other, and even beyond, into the realm of Shadowland. They will be tested by cold, heat, water, and ice. Their rewards will be great--should they survive to collect.
Is your party worth of the Zodac-no-Kara? Take the test of the riddles, and find out.
Stande og priser
Priser / Stande
0.5 | Poor | 8500 DKK | |
2.0 | Good | 12750 DKK | |
4.0 | Very Good | 15300 DKK | |
6.0 | Fine | 18700 DKK | |
8.0 | Very Fine | 22100 DKK | |
9.4 | Near Mint | 25500 DKK |
Serie: | AD&D 2nd. Edition |
Forfatter: | Blake Mougley |
Cover: | Softcover |
Udgivelses År: | 1990 |
Udgave: | 1 |
Oplag: | 1 |
Antal Sider: | 96 |
Forlag: | TSR, Inc. |
Sprog: | Engelsk |
Titel: | Lankhmar - Nehwon |
Om Produktet
It is the year of the Zodac-no-Kara, the year of the wizards' champions. Once every 140 years, the search for grand and glorious magical items is called, and adventures from far and wide convene to participate in the hunt. This year, though... this year is even more exciting than the last.
Nehwon's already-sparse magic is being leached from the land itself. Powerful magical items are being misused, and Aarth has called for the bravest and most daring adventurers to collect these items and return them to him for safe-keeping. Those who accept this quest will travel from one end of Nehwon to the other, and even beyond, into the realm of Shadowland. They will be tested by cold, heat, water, and ice. Their rewards will be great--should they survive to collect.
Is your party worth of the Zodac-no-Kara? Take the test of the riddles, and find out.
Antal Sider: | 96 |
Titel: | Lankhmar - Nehwon |
Serie: | AD&D 2nd. Edition |
Forfatter: | Blake Mougley |
Cover: | Softcover |
Udgivelses År: | 1990 |
Udgave: | 1 |
Oplag: | 1 |
Forlag: | TSR, Inc. |
Sprog: | Engelsk |
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