Lankhmar - Avengers of Lankhmar
Lankhmar - Avengers of Lankhmar


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Lankhmar - Avengers of Lankhmar

AD&D 2nd Edition

In this sequel to the Slayers of Lankhmar adventure, Elad Edals, the most lethal criminal in Lankhmar history is back! And he's going to assassinate the guildmaster of the Merchant's Consortium, even if he has to steamroll over you to do it. Unstoppable the first time he appeared in the Slayers of Lankhmar adventure, Edals plans to do it again. This adventure is designed for two to six characters who will be revered posthumously at the adventure's end.

An adventure for levels 1-3

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Afsendelse: 2-5 hverdage

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Stande og priser

Priser / Stande
0.5Poor25000 DKK
2.0Good37500 DKK
4.0Very Good45000 DKK
6.0Fine55000 DKK
8.0Very Fine65000 DKK
9.4Near Mint75000 DKK
Serie:AD&D 2nd. Edition
Forfatter:Dale "Slade" Henson
Udgivelses År:1995
Antal Sider:56
Forlag:TSR, Inc.
Titel:Lankhmar - Avengers of Lankhmar

Om Produktet

In this sequel to the Slayers of Lankhmar adventure, Elad Edals, the most lethal criminal in Lankhmar history is back! And he's going to assassinate the guildmaster of the Merchant's Consortium, even if he has to steamroll over you to do it. Unstoppable the first time he appeared in the Slayers of Lankhmar adventure, Edals plans to do it again. This adventure is designed for two to six characters who will be revered posthumously at the adventure's end.

An adventure for levels 1-3

Antal Sider:56
Titel:Lankhmar - Avengers of Lankhmar
Serie:AD&D 2nd. Edition
Forfatter:Dale "Slade" Henson
Udgivelses År:1995
Forlag:TSR, Inc.

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