Keeper's Guide to the Secret War
Keeper's Guide to the Secret War


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Keeper's Guide to the Secret War

Achtung! Cthulhu

Discover the secret history of World War Two: stories of amazing heroism, in which stalwart men and women struggle to overthrow a nightmare alliance of steel and the occult; of frightening inhuman conspiracies from the depths of time; of the unbelievable war machines which are the product of Nazi engineering genius - and how close we all are to a slithering end! The Secret War has begun!

The Keeper's Guide To The Secret War is a full-blown tome of dark knowledge, including:

  • allied and Nazi forces and intelligence agencies
  • occult organisations and mythos-based missions
  • new tomes, secret weapons, artefacts & equipment
  • key characters and vile creatures
  • new rules and strategies for World War Two combat and survival


In fact - there is a whole shoggoth's worth of Cthulhu villainy, enough for any keeper to have his investigators dead, insane or running for their lives in no time!

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Afsendelse: 2-5 hverdage

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Stande og priser

Priser / Stande
0.5Poor8500 DKK
2.0Good12750 DKK
4.0Very Good15300 DKK
6.0Fine18700 DKK
8.0Very Fine22100 DKK
9.4Near Mint25500 DKK
Udgivelses År:2013
Antal Sider:288
Forlag:Modiphius Entertainment

Om Produktet

Discover the secret history of World War Two: stories of amazing heroism, in which stalwart men and women struggle to overthrow a nightmare alliance of steel and the occult; of frightening inhuman conspiracies from the depths of time; of the unbelievable war machines which are the product of Nazi engineering genius - and how close we all are to a slithering end! The Secret War has begun!

The Keeper's Guide To The Secret War is a full-blown tome of dark knowledge, including:

  • allied and Nazi forces and intelligence agencies
  • occult organisations and mythos-based missions
  • new tomes, secret weapons, artefacts & equipment
  • key characters and vile creatures
  • new rules and strategies for World War Two combat and survival


In fact - there is a whole shoggoth's worth of Cthulhu villainy, enough for any keeper to have his investigators dead, insane or running for their lives in no time!

Antal Sider:288
Udgivelses År:2013
Forlag:Modiphius Entertainment

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