Varenr. 9781839080319
Marvel: Heroines - Domino: Strays
Marvel: Champions Novel
Marvel: Heroines - Domino: Strays er en Marvel-roman.
The job: infiltrate a Chicago conman’s cult to liberate some brainwashed twins. For former X-Force operative Domino, that’s a “hell no”. Fanatics are bad news. She still has nightmares about Project Armageddon, the super-soldier program that wrecked her life and destroyed her family. If only she’d had someone to help her back then, someone… like her. It’s a total pain in the ass, but maybe it is time to finally face those demons. With her probability manipulating superpowers she can turn even the worst of situations to her advantage.
Forfatter: Tristan Palmgren
352 sider.
Forlaget Aconyte.
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Om Produktet
Marvel: Heroines - Domino: Strays er en Marvel-roman.
The job: infiltrate a Chicago conman’s cult to liberate some brainwashed twins. For former X-Force operative Domino, that’s a “hell no”. Fanatics are bad news. She still has nightmares about Project Armageddon, the super-soldier program that wrecked her life and destroyed her family. If only she’d had someone to help her back then, someone… like her. It’s a total pain in the ass, but maybe it is time to finally face those demons. With her probability manipulating superpowers she can turn even the worst of situations to her advantage.
Forfatter: Tristan Palmgren
352 sider.
Forlaget Aconyte.
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