Varenr. 9781683966548

A Christmas Bestiary HC
A Christmas Bestiary HC

A Christmas Bestiary HC

John Kenn Mortensen & Benni Bødker

A tongue-in-cheek guide to the beasts to watch out for during a cozy Christmastime.

In the wintry season, when we all delight in joyful thoughts of family, presents, and sugarplums, we mustn’t forget that the night is dark and full of terrors. Thankfully, bold adventurers Benni Bodker and John Kenn Mortensen have journeyed far and wide to comb through ancient tomes, listen to folk tales, and spy upon loathsome lairs to catalog the most frightful creatures of the netherworld that appear around Christmastime. A Christmas Bestiary is an essential guidebook to all the horrors that await us during the darkest time of the year, from common creatures such as Baba Yaga and the Krampus to the less encountered (but quite deadly) Yule Wight and Gryla. Bodker’s brief text entries include the lore and background of each creature, plus handy info such as danger level that will help you survive (but no guarantees!). Mortensen’s gothic, pen-and-ink renderings bring these bone-chilling beasts to life on the page. Eerie, playful, and practical, A Christmas Bestiary is the perfect collection for the ones who love ―or fear― the things that go bump in the night.

Black-and-white illustrations throughout

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Om Produktet

A tongue-in-cheek guide to the beasts to watch out for during a cozy Christmastime.

In the wintry season, when we all delight in joyful thoughts of family, presents, and sugarplums, we mustn’t forget that the night is dark and full of terrors. Thankfully, bold adventurers Benni Bodker and John Kenn Mortensen have journeyed far and wide to comb through ancient tomes, listen to folk tales, and spy upon loathsome lairs to catalog the most frightful creatures of the netherworld that appear around Christmastime. A Christmas Bestiary is an essential guidebook to all the horrors that await us during the darkest time of the year, from common creatures such as Baba Yaga and the Krampus to the less encountered (but quite deadly) Yule Wight and Gryla. Bodker’s brief text entries include the lore and background of each creature, plus handy info such as danger level that will help you survive (but no guarantees!). Mortensen’s gothic, pen-and-ink renderings bring these bone-chilling beasts to life on the page. Eerie, playful, and practical, A Christmas Bestiary is the perfect collection for the ones who love ―or fear― the things that go bump in the night.

Black-and-white illustrations throughout
Fantagraphics is an American publisher of alternative comics, classic comic strip anthologies, manga, magazines and graphic novels.

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Tegneserier på engelsk

I Faraos Cigarers US Comics-afdeling kan du finde traditionelle tegneserier med superhelte, hvor de store superhelte-forlag Marvel & DC står for det meste. Det er f.eks. superhelte som Spider-Man, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Deadpool, Justice League, Avengers og X-Men.

Vi har dog også yderligere nævneværdige mesterværker som Alan Moores “The Watchmen” og “Top Ten”, og ikke mindst “Kurt Busiek’s Astro City.” Vi kan også tilbyde tegneserier på engelsk med hårdkogt noir som Frank Millers “Sin City”, Ed Brubakers “Criminal”, Brian Azzarello og Eduardo Rissos “100 Bullets”. Når det gælder spændende fantasy-tegneserier, fører vi bl.a. Mike Mignolas “Hellboy”, Neil Gaimans “The Sandman”, Alan Moores “The Swamp Thing”, “Promethea” samt “The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen.” Vi fører også  tankevækkende og dystopisk science fiction  som Rick Remenders “Black Science”, Brian K. Vaughans “Saga” og “Y, The Last Man” samt Jeff Lemires “Descender.” Endelig fører vi også grufuld horror som Robert Kirkmans “The Walking Dead” og Scott Snyders “American Vampire.”

Hvis du er til historier fra den virkelige verden (eller i nabolaget), så har vi også graphic novels med rejsedagbøger fra nær og fjern, krigsjournalistik, (u)lykkelig kærlighed og indsigtsfulde hverdagshistorier.

De fleste amerikanske tegneserier bliver udgivet i serieformat i 20 siders månedlige hæfter (også kaldet single issues), oftest med masser af reklamesider i og på størrelse med et Anders And-blad. Det er dog blevet standard, at disse hæfter bliver genoptrykt i et trade paperback-format (ca. 17x26cm) med typisk 5-6 hæfter i hver, et pænt omslag og uden reklamerne. Størstedelen af vores  tegneserier på engelsk er trade paperbacks, men der findes også flere variationer af både større og mindre paperbacks (softcover), samt en række indbundne luksus-udgivelser (hardcover eller kortere bare HC).