- 15%
Go the Fuck to Sleep HC
Go the Fuck to Sleep HC

Go the Fuck to Sleep HC

Adam Mansbach & Ricardo Cortés

Fødselsdag, -15%

"Total genius."
--Jonathan Lethem, author of Motherless Brooklyn, father of two
"A children's book for grown-ups!

I really did laugh out loud--hilarious!"
--David Byrne, musician, father of one"I wish this book had been around during my daughter's overly protracted sleep rituals!

Finally, someone tells it like it really is.

This is no-guilt funny and a godsend!"
--Cristina Garcia, author of The Lady Matador's Hotel, mother of one"This is the most honest children's book ever written.

And it's f*cking hilarious."
--A.J. Jacobs, author of The Year of Living Biblically, father of three"Go the Fuck to Sleep is the secret anthem of tired parents everywhere.

Adam Mansbach's homage to the tropes of bedtime stories is pitch perfect, and Ricardo Cortes's stunning illustrations will keep grown-ups and kids alike returning to these pages again and again!"
--Bliss Broyard, author of One Drop: My Father's Hidden LifeGo the Fuck to Sleep is a bedtime book for parents who live in the real world, where a few snoozing kitties and cutesy rhymes don't always send a toddler sailing blissfully off to dreamland.

Profane, affectionate, and radically honest, California Book Award-winning author Adam Mansbach's verses perfectly capture the familiar--and unspoken--tribulations of putting your little angel down for the night.

In the process, they open up a conversation about parenting, granting us permission to admit our frustrations, and laugh at their absurdity.With illustrations by Ricardo Cortes, Go the Fuck to Sleep is beautiful, subversive, and pants-wettingly funny--a book for parents new, old, and expectant.

You probably should not read it to your children.

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Afsendelse: 1-7 hverdage

Pris 13515DKK
Førpris  15900DKK

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Om Produktet

"Total genius."
--Jonathan Lethem, author of Motherless Brooklyn, father of two
"A children's book for grown-ups!

I really did laugh out loud--hilarious!"
--David Byrne, musician, father of one"I wish this book had been around during my daughter's overly protracted sleep rituals!

Finally, someone tells it like it really is.

This is no-guilt funny and a godsend!"
--Cristina Garcia, author of The Lady Matador's Hotel, mother of one"This is the most honest children's book ever written.

And it's f*cking hilarious."
--A.J. Jacobs, author of The Year of Living Biblically, father of three"Go the Fuck to Sleep is the secret anthem of tired parents everywhere.

Adam Mansbach's homage to the tropes of bedtime stories is pitch perfect, and Ricardo Cortes's stunning illustrations will keep grown-ups and kids alike returning to these pages again and again!"
--Bliss Broyard, author of One Drop: My Father's Hidden LifeGo the Fuck to Sleep is a bedtime book for parents who live in the real world, where a few snoozing kitties and cutesy rhymes don't always send a toddler sailing blissfully off to dreamland.

Profane, affectionate, and radically honest, California Book Award-winning author Adam Mansbach's verses perfectly capture the familiar--and unspoken--tribulations of putting your little angel down for the night.

In the process, they open up a conversation about parenting, granting us permission to admit our frustrations, and laugh at their absurdity.With illustrations by Ricardo Cortes, Go the Fuck to Sleep is beautiful, subversive, and pants-wettingly funny--a book for parents new, old, and expectant.

You probably should not read it to your children.
Antal Sider:32
Mål:21.5 x 16.5cm
Forfatter:Adam Mansbach
Tegner:Ricardo Cortés
Farvelagt :I farver
Forlag:Akashic Books

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Tegneserier på engelsk

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