Varenr. 9798888430538
Training Mister Sakurada
Kaya Azuma
A BDSM rom-com!
Hajime Sakurada is thirsty-for a girlfriend and a good time.
He can't get enough of women, even though they've been steadily losing interest in him since his playboy days in his 20s.
The new junior in his department, Seiichiro Mibu, is hogging all the babes and the promotions, and worse, he's such a great guy, Sakurada can't even summon any jealousy. But when Sakurada awakens in a love hotel, all tied up, it's Mibu who strolls through the door.
He's got a shocking revelation and plans to ruin Sakurada's whole week with a marathon of kink play and revenge!
What's Sakurada to do, especially once he begins to enjoy it?
Manga are graphic novels originating from Japan. The term is used in Japan to refer to both comics and cartooning. Outside of Japan, the word is typically used to refer to comics originally published in the country.
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Om Produktet
Hajime Sakurada is thirsty-for a girlfriend and a good time.
He can't get enough of women, even though they've been steadily losing interest in him since his playboy days in his 20s.
The new junior in his department, Seiichiro Mibu, is hogging all the babes and the promotions, and worse, he's such a great guy, Sakurada can't even summon any jealousy. But when Sakurada awakens in a love hotel, all tied up, it's Mibu who strolls through the door.
He's got a shocking revelation and plans to ruin Sakurada's whole week with a marathon of kink play and revenge!
What's Sakurada to do, especially once he begins to enjoy it?
Manga are graphic novels originating from Japan. The term is used in Japan to refer to both comics and cartooning. Outside of Japan, the word is typically used to refer to comics originally published in the country.

ISBN: | 9798888430538 |
Forfatter: | Kaya Azuma |
Tegner: | Kaya Azuma |
Forlag: | Seven Seas |
Sprog: | Engelsk |
Manga - japanske tegneserier
Velkommen til Faraos Cigarers afdeling med manga - japanske tegneserier på engelsk
Faraos Cigarers Manga-afdeling har et bredt udvalg af japanske tegneserier på engelsk. Her kan du finde alle de største nye og ældre manga-serier, som f.eks. “Naruto”, “One Piece”, “Dragon Ball”, “Tokyo Ghoul”, “One Punch Man”, “Attack On Titan” og meget, meget mere.
Vi har også et bredt udvalg af kunstbøger (art books) fra bl.a. Hayao Miyazakis Studio Ghibli.
Japanske tegneserier er bl.a. berømte for at favne et utroligt bredt omfang af genrer og emner. I vores udvalg findes eksempelvis manga-bøger om ninjaer, pirater, zombier, detektiver, madlavning, high school, teenagere i kæmpe robotter (!), magi, drenge der forelsker sig i hinanden, samuraier, kunstig intelligens og frygtelig meget mere.
En typisk manga-bog er på størrelse med en jumbobog (13x19cm), den har ca. 200 sider og er i sort/hvid.