Treasury of Folklore: Woodlands and Forests (Hardcover)
Treasury of Folklore: Woodlands and Forests (Hardcover)

Treasury of Folklore: Woodlands and Forests (Hardcover)

Wild Gods, World Trees, and Werewolves

An entertaining and enthralling collection of myths, tales and traditions surrounding our trees, woodlands and forests from around the world.

From the dark, gnarled woodlands of the north, to the humid jungles of the southern lands, trees have captured humanity’s imagination for millennia. Filled with primal gods and goddesses, dryads and the fairy tales of old, the forests still beckon to us, offering sanctuary, mystery and more than a little mischievous trickery. From insatiable cannibalistic children hewn from logs, to lumberjack lore, and the spine-chilling legend of Bloody Mary, there is much to be found between the branches. Come into the trees; witches, seductive spirits and big, bad wolves await you.

With this book, Folklore Thursday aim to encourage a sense of belonging across all cultures by showing how much we all have in common.

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Om Produktet

An entertaining and enthralling collection of myths, tales and traditions surrounding our trees, woodlands and forests from around the world.

From the dark, gnarled woodlands of the north, to the humid jungles of the southern lands, trees have captured humanity’s imagination for millennia. Filled with primal gods and goddesses, dryads and the fairy tales of old, the forests still beckon to us, offering sanctuary, mystery and more than a little mischievous trickery. From insatiable cannibalistic children hewn from logs, to lumberjack lore, and the spine-chilling legend of Bloody Mary, there is much to be found between the branches. Come into the trees; witches, seductive spirits and big, bad wolves await you.

With this book, Folklore Thursday aim to encourage a sense of belonging across all cultures by showing how much we all have in common.

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Her kan du finde fantasy-klassikere som J. R. R. Tolkiens Lord of the Rings (Ringenes Herre), George R. R. Martins A Song of Ice and Fire-serie samt værker af Neil Gaiman, Patrick Rothfuss, Joe Abercrombie og mange flere.


Du kan også finde horror-klassikere af f.eks. Stephen King, H.P. Lovecraft, Joe Hill, Peter Straub, Max Brooks og Clive Barker.


Og så har vi sci-fi-klassikere af f.eks. Douglas Adams, Frank Herbert, Arthur C. Clarke, Neal Stephenson, William Gibson og mange, mange flere.


Endelig har vi særlige afsnit med litteratur baseret på Star Wars og Warhammer/Warhammer 40K.


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