Norse Fairy & Folk Tales (Paperback)
Norse Fairy & Folk Tales (Paperback)

Norse Fairy & Folk Tales (Paperback)

James Shepherd

Meet gullible trolls, enterprising princesses and nefarious wizards in this treasury of 25 Norse fairy tales.

Collected by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe in the 19th century, these Norwegian stories are described by Jacob Grimm as "surpassing nearly all others." They include such well-loved tales as 'The Three Billy Goat's Gruff' and 'Taming the Shrew' and open a window into the beautiful landscapes of Norway.

These funny and fantastical stories will delight the young and old.

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Om Produktet

Meet gullible trolls, enterprising princesses and nefarious wizards in this treasury of 25 Norse fairy tales.

Collected by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe in the 19th century, these Norwegian stories are described by Jacob Grimm as "surpassing nearly all others." They include such well-loved tales as 'The Three Billy Goat's Gruff' and 'Taming the Shrew' and open a window into the beautiful landscapes of Norway.

These funny and fantastical stories will delight the young and old.
Arcturus Publishing Limited publishes books for adults and children alike. Fairy tales, classics, science, crime, art tutorials, spirituality, puzzles and more.

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