Varenr. 9781452174471
Nordic Tales: Folktales from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Denmark
Ulla Thynell
Fødselsdag, -15%
Nordic Tales is a collection of 16 traditional tales from the enchanting world of Nordic folklore.
Translated and transcribed by folklorists in the 19th century, these stories are at once magical, hilarious, cozy, and chilling.
Welcome to a world of mystical adventure—where trolls haunt the snowy forests, terrifying monsters roam the open sea, a young woman journeys to the end of the world, and a boy proves he knows no fear.
• Offers a fascinating view into Nordic culture
• The tales come alive alongside bold, contemporary art
• Part of the popular Tales series, featuring Tales of Japan, Celtic Tales, Tales of India, and Tales of East Africa
Nordic Tales will enthrall fans of fairytales and captivate those interested in the rich history of Nordic culture.
Ulla Thynell's glowing contemporary illustrations accompany each tale, conjuring dragons, princesses, and the northern lights.
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Om Produktet
Translated and transcribed by folklorists in the 19th century, these stories are at once magical, hilarious, cozy, and chilling.
Welcome to a world of mystical adventure—where trolls haunt the snowy forests, terrifying monsters roam the open sea, a young woman journeys to the end of the world, and a boy proves he knows no fear.
• Offers a fascinating view into Nordic culture • The tales come alive alongside bold, contemporary art • Part of the popular Tales series, featuring Tales of Japan, Celtic Tales, Tales of India, and Tales of East Africa
Nordic Tales will enthrall fans of fairytales and captivate those interested in the rich history of Nordic culture.
Ulla Thynell's glowing contemporary illustrations accompany each tale, conjuring dragons, princesses, and the northern lights.

Abrams & Chronicle Books is home to a wide range of award-winning visual books, gifts, games, puzzles, toys and stationery. Established in 2010 and based in London they are the European arm of two highly acclaimed U.S. publishing houses: ABRAMS based in New York, and Chronicle Books, based in San Francisco.
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