Varenr. 9781328589897
Binging with Babish - 100 Recipes Recreated from Your Favorite Movies & TV Shows
Andrew Rea
The internet cooking show Binging with Babish has taken YouTube by storm with views as high as 12 million per episode. For each video, Andrew Rea, a self-proclaimed movie and TV buff, teaches a recipe based on a favorite TV show or film, such as the babka from the classic Seinfeld episode, the beef bourguignon from Julie & Julia, or the timpano from Big Night.
This cookbook includes these and other fan-favorite recipes. Some are so delicious that you'll want to make them for dinner right away, like Bubba's shrimp from Forrest Gump, while others can be saved for impressing a loved one--like the chocolate lava cake from Jon Favreau's Chef, which the actor/director (who also wrote the foreword) asked to make during a guest appearance on Rea's show.
Complete with behind-the-scenes stories and never-seen-before photos, as well as answers to frequently asked fan questions, Binging with Babish is a must-have companion to the wildly popular YouTube show.
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Om Produktet
This cookbook includes these and other fan-favorite recipes. Some are so delicious that you'll want to make them for dinner right away, like Bubba's shrimp from Forrest Gump, while others can be saved for impressing a loved one--like the chocolate lava cake from Jon Favreau's Chef, which the actor/director (who also wrote the foreword) asked to make during a guest appearance on Rea's show.
Complete with behind-the-scenes stories and never-seen-before photos, as well as answers to frequently asked fan questions, Binging with Babish is a must-have companion to the wildly popular YouTube show.
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Faraos Cigarer tilbyder et stort udvalg af fantasy-, horror- og sci-fi-bøger på engelsk - både nye og klassiske.
Her kan du finde fantasy-klassikere som J. R. R. Tolkiens Lord of the Rings (Ringenes Herre), George R. R. Martins A Song of Ice and Fire-serie samt værker af Neil Gaiman, Patrick Rothfuss, Joe Abercrombie og mange flere.
Du kan også finde horror-klassikere af f.eks. Stephen King, H.P. Lovecraft, Joe Hill, Peter Straub, Max Brooks og Clive Barker.
Og så har vi sci-fi-klassikere af f.eks. Douglas Adams, Frank Herbert, Arthur C. Clarke, Neal Stephenson, William Gibson og mange, mange flere.
Endelig har vi særlige afsnit med litteratur baseret på Star Wars og Warhammer/Warhammer 40K.
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