Varenr. NOV101143
Can You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse (Paperback)
Max Brallier
The reader's destiny during the zombie apocalypse in his own hands in an exciting Pick Your Own Path format!
You are on the edge of unspeakable horror.
Bone-crunching, blood-splattering, brain-chomping horror. But this time it's different.
No longer are you a spectator, watching the fools on the page or screen make all the wrong moves.
This time you have a say in humanity's survival.
Will you be a hero?
Will you survive the coming hours, days, weeks, and months?
Or will you die amidst the chaos and violence of a zombie uprising?
The choice is yours.
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Om Produktet
You are on the edge of unspeakable horror.
Bone-crunching, blood-splattering, brain-chomping horror. But this time it's different.
No longer are you a spectator, watching the fools on the page or screen make all the wrong moves.
This time you have a say in humanity's survival.
Will you be a hero?
Will you survive the coming hours, days, weeks, and months?
Or will you die amidst the chaos and violence of a zombie uprising?
The choice is yours.
Antal Sider: | 384 |
Mål: | 13.5 x 21cm |
ISBN: | 9781451607758 |
Genre: | Horror |
Format: | Paperback |
Forfatter: | Max Brallier |
Forlag: | Gallery Books |
Sprog: | Engelsk |
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